Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In the Beginning...

It took quite some time but, a few weeks ago, I woke up at long last.  I took a good long look around me and realized that things were NOT to my liking.  At the top of the list were three things that rankled the most:  

1.  For the past year and a half, I'd been all but standing on my head, trying to get a certain gentleman to recognize and acknowledge my existence, to no avail.  

2.  A number of people who consider themselves my friends and loved ones, had been alternately ignoring, dismissing or taking advantage of me, still of the opinion that I was the same dipshit today that I was at 13.  

3.  The certain gentleman notwithstanding, I realized that I am invisible, PERIOD.  To everybody.  

It was devastating.  First, I became catatonic with despair.  Then, I progressed to rage.  Finally, I concluded that I needed to get a life.  So, that's where this blog comes in.  I have decided to get a life.  At first, I thought I'd do it for revenge.  Sort of an I'll-show-the-bastards, middle finger in the air-type of thing.  However, we all know that that attitude shows no one.  The bastards don't care one way or another.  Therefore, I am doing this for me.  I want to see what kind of a life I can create for myself.  I want to see if I can do it.  For too many years I have allowed the unkindness of others to eat me alive.  No more.  I cannot take another minute.  So, I am going to persue the things I love (art, literature, travel, music, HOCKEY), see what I can learn along the way, and give an accurate report.  I hope that my experiences will help others who are feeling like hell.  I love the underdog and I want to see all the underdogs in the world triumph.

I'm not waiting around for the Certain Gentleman to figure out that I draw breath.  I'm not waiting around for family/friends anymore, either.  There's a lot I want to do.  There's a lot I need to do.  Fingers crossed.


“When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on or you will be taught how to fly." Patrick Overton - Author, poet, teacher

1 comment:

Just me said...

Hi Lily - thanks for following my blog! Where did you find it from? :)

I like your idea for the blog (and I love the design you chose) - I didn't like the "I'll do it for revenge" thing so I was glad you moved on from that feeling; I think doing this for you is a great thing to be doing!

Good luck, and I'm looking forward to reading about your journey :) x