Monday, May 30, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

The Ugly, Part I. :  It got up to 87F today and was humid as hell.  Heat and I do not go together very well.

The Ugly, Part II. :  The car was being sort of weird tonight and there still isn't the money to fix it.  What a pill.

The Bad:  I'm experiencing what is known by other T-Tappers as the dreaded  "Fat Shift". 

The Good, Part I. :  I'm experiencing what is known by other T-Tappers as the dreaded Fat Shift". Apparently, when you tapp, you build muscle and everything cinches in and up.  This causes a weird fat-displacement thing and can make you think you're not having success because your pants might be tight in the waist or because you cannot shoehorn your bum into your jeans.  It's like squeezing a squishy toy.  You pinch its little bum and another part bulges.  The idea of failure couldn't be further from the truth.  The Fat Shift is a good thing.  It means you're doing things right and it's working.  So, instead of being downcast, I should be grateful, and I truly am, but impatience is getting me down.  I want this slop off my frame so that I can cause C.G.'s jaw to hit the ground and his eyes to bug out of his head.  Among other things.

The Good, Part II. :  I found out, courtesy of the fabulous T-Tapp Forums, why I went batshit crazy last week and nobody could be near me without cladding themselves in garlic and Crucifixes.  It seems that fat and estrogen go hand in hand, in a sort of horrible, Ike and Tina-esque marriage.  Fat stores estrogen and higher estrogen levels cause you to put on more fat.  One's a punch in the mouth, the other's a kick in the stones.  When you exercise/eat better and burn fat, that estrogen is released into your system.  You end up with more estrogen than progesterone - hormonal imbalance.  It causes you to go batshit crazy.  This is what happened to me last week and this explains why I was pure evil last April-May, when I was weight-training and walking, hardcore.  Total hormonal imbalance.  If this should happen to me again, I'll take it in stride rather than put the county mental hospital on speed dial.

So, things are not perfect, but there's hope.  And that's what keeps me going.  That and air conditioning.

1 comment:

Just me said...

Sounds like things are going well then! But do it for yourself, not for CG, yeah? x