Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Beyond Humiliated...

I didn't think it was possible for any more shit to hit the fan.  I was wrong.  Remember Psycho, that friend who blew up at me recently?  She's the one I mentioned in a post from last year, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality.  She stepped way over the line last night.

I've been reading up on BPD and one of the first pieces of advice was never to argue with or defend yourself to a Borderline.  It'll just make 'em go ape.  When she got nasty with me last week, and began badmouthing me to anyone who would listen, I was steaming like a cowpie in July, but I decided I wouldn't dignify this crap with a response.  I don't know if it antagonized her or what, but yesterday she was on me like white on rice.  

Around 7 p.m. last night the doorbell rang.  There stood two policemen.  They informed me that they'd gotten a call telling them to check up on me because I was reported to be suicidal.  They wouldn't tell me who called it in.  I had a hell of a time convincing them that I was not a danger to myself but they didn't seem to believe me.  My mom happened to be there and they told her she was to keep an eye on me, then left.  The second I shut the door, I was in floods.  Having to explain my mental health history to two strangers was mortifying.  I couldn't imagine who had reported this utter shit. 

Ten minutes after the cops left, I happened to check my cellphone for text messages, and saw that Psycho was the culprit.  She admitted to doing it.  Said she was scared for me.  All I'd done earlier is make a couple of statements on FB indicating that I was sad and disappointed about C.G., and she ran with it.  Called the local constabulary and reported that I was threatening to hurt myself, which I was not!

I tore her a new asshole.  I was incensed that she would do this to me and told her exactly what I thought of this stunt plus the behavior of the past few weeks, plus her.

It got me nowhere.  

Her response:  "I stand by my decision".  "I'm sorry you feel this way".  "I did the right thing".  "I'm not going to argue with you, but as soon as your head clears, you'll see that I was right".  "I'm sorry you're embarrassed".  All the therapy-speak she had in her head, she vomited up at me.  I was the crazy, unstable one who wouldn't listen to reason.


Needless to say, we're not friends anymore.  I've deleted her from my social media sites.  My mother immediately unfriended her on Facebook, and I've had a tough time convincing her not to call Psycho and read her the riot act.  And, I'm seriously considering going to my wireless provider and asking for a new phone number.  

I got about 4 hours of sleep last night, tops.  I'm exhausted this morning, and still humiliated, and still angry.  All I want is to crawl underneath a rock and stay there til the end of time.  

This is what I get for standing by her since we were 13, and for offering support and understanding, and for being her punching bag.  More punching.  

I understand that she's incapable of rational responses and controlling her vitriol, but this was low, even for her.

So upset...

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