Sunday, April 17, 2011

Has the Clock Stopped?

It seems like all I've been doing the past year is waiting and waiting and waiting.  Waiting for the heat of summer to abate.  Waiting for pay day.  Waiting for the mail/UPS.  Waiting for people.  Waiting for a, I'm not going to say it.  Needless to say, I feel like a 747 circling the airport.  I'm in a holding pattern.

I've been going kind of crazy this past week.  I'm a bit broke at present and the car needs repairs, so I've had to stick close to home.  It's enabled me to catch up on my reading but I feel like such a dork not being able to go out and do a little something.  That's the trouble with making up my mind to get a life.  If I'm not out having some class of an adventure every minute of every day, I feel like a loser.  The past couple of weeks sort of spoiled me, too.  In that time I saw a couple of movies (True Grit and Black Swan) and attended two art exhibits and an art lecture.  I went to Starbucks (which I haven't done in forever) to enjoy an iced coffee and to write a letter.  Everything was golden.  Golden doesn't last forever, however, and I'm learning that getting a life is a one-step-forward-two-steps-back process.  It's not a first-class ticket on a non-stop flight from O'Hare to Xanadu.  Pity, because I could use a blanket and a refill on my champagne. 

Things should get better though.  Unfortunately, I have a funeral to attend tomorrow morning but on the bright side, my nieces will be here and a trip to the mall, specifically Sephora, is on the agenda.  And come hell or high water, this week I'm going to find $5 to go to Starbucks and have another libation whilst I write more letters and people-watch.  I don't care if it's cold and yucky or if I have to take the bus.  I'm going to advance that one step and not fret about the retreat.


Carolina said...

You're blog is fantastic!! When I read the part about the holding pattern I just felt dumbstruck. It described my life perfectly. Sometimes even a slow day of reading can be an adventure. Your writing keeps me thinking!!

Just me said...

I definitely agree about how it takes time to get to that great place. Yesterday at church we talked about how it is a journey to get to greatness - but the journey is your life so don't see it as steps you HAVE to take, enjoy it! And while we shouldn't live FOR the moment, we should still LIVE IN the moment.

I'm sorry about the funeral - hope it goes okay x