Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Wanna Go Back to Typewriters And Encyclopedias...

I'm having more stinkin' computer trouble.  Tried to get online about 45 minutes ago only to find out that the damn "Proxy Server is Refusing Connection".  Again.  This happened Saturday night, after I'd done some routine maintenance.  I'd cleaned out the history/cookies/system, what-have-you, and then run my anti-malware program.  The minute I did that, all hell broke loose and I had proxy problems.  My brother told me to restore the system, which I did, and all was well.  Til 45 minutes ago.  I'm wondering, is this something I should contact my ISP about?  I get my internet through the local cable company.  I'm wondering if they would have anything to do with it?  According to the anti-malware program, there are no viruses or worms or bugs or crickets or cooties.  This damn machine is barely 2 years old so it shouldn't be going to hell this soon.  Frustration!!!  I'm going to have to take up my pen to soothe myself.

The writing is coming along.  I'm sort of struggling a bit with my two main characters.  I'm not sure, yet, who they are.  The hero is sort of down on his luck, when I mean him to be arrogant and my heroine is kind of a cold, impervious bitch, when I mean her to be vulnerable, yet wild and reckless.  The other thing that's bugging me is how juvenile and overly simplistic my writing seems to me.  At times when I go back and reread it, it's not too bad, but at other times, I fear it smacks of 15-year old, 10th grade jackassery.  Well, if the computer has a heart attack and dies (please, God, don't let it!), at least I'll have plenty of time to devote to my writing.

Speaking of writing, I finished Love in the Time of Cholera a short time ago.  The Kite Runner is next.  And since the weather is going to take a turn for the worse (e.g. it's going to get HOT and shitty again, starting tomorrow), I have reserved The Three Musketeers from the library.  The only way I can get through the crappy summer heat is by going someplace dim and cool and burying my schnoz in a book.

So frustrated...

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