I got to Hertz at 10:00 on Wed. morning and they handed me the "key" to a magnificent, 2011 Nissan Altima. It was like driving a magic cloud. It handled so beautifully, it was nearly silent when idling, the seats cradled the lower back lovingly, and there was so much leg room I think I could've loaded a dozen people in there. Going over bumpy roads and bad train tracks was nothing. I could've gone over a cliff and not felt a thing on impact. Key-less entry, key-less ignition(which I still wasn't quite used to this morning), gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!!! The best gas mileage I've ever seen on a car, too. I went 274 miles and used up just a half tank of gas. And let me tell you, I didn't exactly lollygag on the freeway, either. I think I did a good 75-80 m.p.h. and the needle on the gauge didn't move. I wasn't too thrilled when I had to blow $41 for a little over 10 gallons of gas this morning, but that's a small price to pay for driving a vehicle that was obviously designed by God and built by angels.
Chris, the 4 kids and I bummed around a lot. On Wed. afternoon, he and I hit Goodwill to browse. I found a set of 16 very nice glasses and a matching pitcher, plus a lovely sterling silver pin for my mother. Grand total: $20 and change. Wed. evening was graduation. The middle school orchestra played a couple of pieces and sounded like two cats brawling in the middle of a logging camp. I believe the piece played was The Screeches and Toots Sonata in D flat. I think the director may have shot himself afterwards, poor man.
I awoke at 5:30 a.m. yesterday and went like a paper devil the entire time. Chris and I hit another thrift store, 3 rummage sales and a coffee shop by 10 o'clock, when the girls called us, wanting us to take them to McDonald's. We ended up going to George Webb(a chain of greasy spoon restaurants in Wisconsin, primarily Milwaukee. Good food, cheap. They also serve the best Boston Cream Pie I've ever tasted). There we met Chris' mom and 2-yr old nephew, whereupon I tried to teach him how to blow bubbles in chocolate milk. It's never too early to learn basic life skills and you're never too old to blow bubbles in your chocolate milk. After Webb's, we hit Goodwill again, 5 more rummage sales and another thrift store. Everyone was exhausted and took naps. I drove to Cedarburg to nose around. I got there a little too late for serious shopping, as everything closes up at 5 o'clock on the dot, but I had a nice, leisurely stroll up and down Washington Ave. and took lots of pictures. I'm glad I went unaccompanied. It's been a long time since I've gone anywhere special by myself or driven this far alone. It was good medicine. It's good to know that I don't need to wait around for anyone. I'm a different person when traveling and yesterday was like being let out of a cage - I only way I can describe it is with the words "wild elation".
Leaving Cedarburg was a different story. The last thing I wanted to do was return to my usual life of a crappy, falling-apart car, money worries, man trouble, weight/body issues, limitations, etc. Having to return the car was the most gut-wrenching of all. For me, a car is not just a means to get from Point A to Point B. It's like a magic carpet. It's possibility. I love to drive, I love to be out and about. Most of all, I love the freedom of being out on my own, late at night or early in the morning, driving around, even if it's just to the grocery store. Nobody to impress, nobody to cater to, nobody to nag me or remind me of my shortcomings. All I have to do is keep it between the ditches and watch out for deer and speed traps. I think I am the most genuine me when I drive. The only other time I'm that real is when I travel or have some kind of adventure, big or small. I wanted so badly to keep this interlude going. I suppose it would be safe to say that the separation anxiety and abandonment issues aren't just about having to return my lovely magic carpet(which damn near killed me. I tried to talk the lady at Hertz into letting me trade her my heap of shit for the Altima. She said no). They're about the split between what I feel is the real me and the me I was and have gone back to being. Too bad I didn't get to keep the car in this divorce...
On the bright side, this was a good opportunity and a nice break from the usual b.s. Not only did I get to rent a car for the first time, but they gave me a car that I've been interested in for some time. I got to see a dear, dear childhood friend, and goof around with my 4 sweet girls. I got to bargain hunt. I got to expose myself to the loveliness and grace of architecture, antiques and nature. I got to smell the roses, literally. I got to laugh myself silly. I got to see what's possible if I get knuckle down and get busy.
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