Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh Dear...

Does anyone else out there have trouble posting comments to their own blog or to other people's blogs?  I thought that switching over to a GMail e-mail account would help the situation but so far I am having no luck.  I don't want any of you to think that I'm ignoring your comments, and believe me, I am so grateful that you're all following me, lending support, allowing me to whine incessantly, etc.  It'd be nice to be able to respond to all of your comments, as well as to comment on all your posts. 

Do any of you know how this could be fixed?  Blogspot is like my landlord: Doesn't fix anything.  Lol...kinda :-)


Just me said...

Very strange.. I've not had this problem. Are you able to comment as Anonymous? I know some people haven't been able to login to the comments bit so have to leave comments as Anonymous, but otherwise I don't really know what you could do.

If you did want to reply to anything particular that I've said, feel free to email me instead - my address is on my page :)

Just me said...

Just tried to comment here & I have no idea if it worked - either you have it set to 'approve before show' or it failed.. just in case it didn't work, it pretty much said no, haven't seen this problem before but are you able to comment as Anonymous? And also that if you did want to reply to anything I've said, feel free to email me - my address is on my page.

If it did work then, uh, just delete this one I guess! :D

mizzbrizz said...

I don't have any issues either and I am a gmail user.