Thursday, April 26, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not...

I love, love, LOVE the hair donation program, Locks of Love.  If you have at least 10 inches of hair, you can donate it to this program and your hair will go to make wigs for sick kids.  I needed a haircut but I decided that it'd be a sin to let my mop end up in the salon's trash can, so I donated it. 

Go for it, my darlings.  If you need a cut and your hair is at least 10 inches and unbleached (permed or colored is o.k., though), consider donating to Locks of Love.  It's bad enough that little kids get sick.  They shouldn't have to suffer the embarrassment of hair loss as well.

Speaking of not wasting, I did a little more spelunking in my closet this morning.  I found 3 more pairs of pants that will do me for the next couple of months.  I tried things on and everything either fits perfectly or almost perfectly.  Thank goodness.

You know what's odd?  I noticed a long time ago that black pants/jeans/skirts seem to be cut a mite smaller than pants/jeans/skirts in other colors.  I have a navy wool skirt that fits me perfectly right now.  It's almost identical counterpart, in black, is about 1/2 inch smaller in the waist.  Ditto the navy and black chinos I unearthed this morning.  The navy pair fits perfectly and the black pair cuts off my circulation.  I wonder why in blue blazes designers do this?

Something else that has me scratching my pate is why designers make extremely low-rise jeans and trousers in plus sizes.  I firmly believe that everyone deserves to be fashionable and look nice but low-rise garments hit curvaceous ladies right across the biggest parts of their bodies: the lower abdomen and hips.  It's doubly worse if the lady in question (like me) has an hourglass-shaped figure.  Her hips are going to be a little bigger, her waist a bit smaller.  Low-rise anything puts the lady at risk for major muffin top action.  Also, where is a big ass supposed to go without making the waist tight?  Come on, Yves Saint Bubba, don't make us contend with plumber's crack on top of everything else!  If one is above a size 12, shopping and dressing is traumatic enough.  One does not need any additional indignities.  More and more I'm convinced that designers of plus-size clothing are either clueless, lazy/indifferent, hostile to anyone who isn't a toothpick, or high on glue.  This shit needs to stop.

On Monday, I'll have been at this for 4 weeks.  I'm hoping to be in those pants pictured in my last post.  I tried 'em on a couple of hours ago and they're fitting better.

This is encouraging...

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