Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I think there's a wee bug here.

For some reason, I cannot answer your comments on this blog, nor can I comment to your blogs.  I went in the coffee shop and it seems that this is a common bug that Blogspot says it has to work on.  So, please know that I appreciate all your kind comments and good wishes.  Just Me, I hope your ears stop bothering you soon.  I'll pray for a speedy recovery for you.  Mlle Sunshine Awesome, you are a fabulous lady and I thank you for all your support and I'm saying a jolly-good prayer for you, too.  I shall post at length a bit later, for it has been a sort of trying day (trouble with the computer printer, subsequent running out of ink despite buying/installing a new black cartridge 24 hours ago, had some trouble making dinner, keep losing internet connection, not sure if I'm coming down with something and to top all it's snowing and we're expecting 8-10" by morning and it's almost May).  I don't want to attempt to be profound when I'm in a foul humor.  I don't know if I have profundity in me.  I think all I'm going to do is watch some playoff Hockey and take a shower and coax myself out of this.

1 comment:

Just me said...

Thank you :)

I hope your day got better!!