Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weird Weekend Thus Far

I don't really have anything profound to write this morning.  It's turning out to be a strange couple of days.  Thursday afternoon one of my cousins died.  It wasn't expected, yet it wasn't surprising.  He'd had a terrible spell with his heart 3 years ago but seemed to have gotten over it.  Had a check-up a few weeks ago and was clean as a whistle.  Ended up having a massive heart attack on Thursday.  The cops think he was gone before he knew what hit him, and that's the way to go, really.  So, yesterday morning, bright and way too early, his sister and I got on the road and made the hour or so drive out to his cabin to get his dog.  I got to see all the damage done by this past Sunday's tornadoes - huge trees uprooted everywhere, parts of roofs blown off, gas station signs missing.  Thank God nobody was hurt.  Once we got to the cabin we saw that the crocuses and daffodils are coming up and all the garter and pine snakes are still snoozing.  Another BIG "Thank God" on my part.  I hate those damn things.  I helped my cousin with several things out there and we returned to town.  Made a quick detour to the stables where she keeps her horse.  I'm covered with so much dog, cat and horse fur, I could start my own zoo.  What can I say, I love critters.  Anyhoo, after more errands and a tiny nap, a bunch of us went out for dinner.  Italian.  Had a Chianti that would strip paint off a cinder block building.  Ate way too much but it was SO good.  As we dined, it began to rain and it's still raining.  It's cold, raw and windy too.  Now all I want is to jump in the car and go for a long, long drive.  What I really want to do is find a Certain Gentleman and bring him back here...but no, I vowed I was going to stop dwelling on him.  I'm not finding it easy.  A year and a half's worth of pining is a big investment, energy-wise, but ultimately, an exhausting one.  That kind of thing is not conducive to a fantastic life.  I keep telling myself that if I don't end up with C.G., it could be the Good Lord's way of saving me from great unhappiness.  He's gorgeous but for all I know he could be the village idiot when it comes to romance and a selfish, arrogant, unfaithful jerk the rest of the time.  That makes me feel better for a little while, and then I revert to wanting him.  So, I keep reminding myself.  Maybe one day it'll stick.

So, while the past 36 hours have not exactly been glamorous, they have been part of life.  And I got to try Chianti for the first time.  And be glad that I still draw breath and didn't have to shell out anything in taxes.  No such thing as small blessings.  And no such thing as small adventures.

1 comment:

Just me said...

I'm sorry about your cousin x